MG Experience Car Registry

Registry Slideshow

Registry Stats
31,071 registry entries
19,683 with photos
Avg model year: 1971
Avg mileage: 123,005

Fun Stats – If you added up the totals for all vehicles in this registry, you could... Drive around the world 103,353 times · Make 5378.36 round trips to the moon · Travel 436.59% of the way to Jupiter

The Top Rated Cars - As Voted By You!

Rankings are calculated every 2 hours, based on votes from the last 12 months
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You can add any kind of car, truck, or motorcycle to the Registry

1937 MG SA Saloon Steve S

#1 1937 MG SA Saloon
Owner: Steve S USA
17 members voted.
Total Score: 9.88
1953 MG TD Arnolt

#2 1953 MG TD Arnolt
Owner: John Elwood USASilver Member
13 members voted.
Total Score: 9.54
1967 MG MGB MkI

#3 1967 MG MGB MkI
Owner: Jim Wulf USAGold Member
10 members voted.
Total Score: 9.99
1967 MG MGB

#4 1967 MG MGB
Owner: Harold M USAGold Member
9 members voted.
Total Score: 9.00
1957 MG MGA 1500 Coupe

#5 1957 MG MGA 1500 Coupe
Owner: Jim Cheatham USAGold Member
8 members voted.
Total Score: 9.99
1964 MG MGB

#6 1964 MG MGB
Owner: Marty Shane USA
5 members voted.
Total Score: 9.99
1974 MG MGB

#7 1974 MG MGB
Owner: Arayan Lias USA
5 members voted.
Total Score: 9.99
1969 MG MGB GT

#8 1969 MG MGB GT
Owner: Jonathon B USAGold Member
4 members voted.
Total Score: 9.99
1947 MG TC

#9 1947 MG TC
Owner: Noel C USA
4 members voted.
Total Score: 9.99
1930 MG M Type Midget

#10 1930 MG M-Type Midget
Owner: Kenneth Klemmer USA
4 members voted.
Total Score: 9.99
1975 MG MGB GT Jubilee

#11 1975 MG MGB GT Jubilee
Owner: Stephen Barnes USA
4 members voted.
Total Score: 9.25
1969 MG MGB GT

#12 1969 MG MGB GT
Owner: Ken Altshuler USASilver Member
3 members voted.
Total Score: 9.99
1938 MG SA Saloon

#13 1938 MG SA Saloon
Owner: Luke Snyder USA
3 members voted.
Total Score: 9.99
1969 MG MGC

#14 1969 MG MGC
Owner: Jeffrey Mead USASilver Member
3 members voted.
Total Score: 9.99
1933 MG J Type Midget

#15 1933 MG J-Type Midget
Owner: Donald Green USA
3 members voted.
Total Score: 9.33
1970 MG MGB MkII

#16 1970 MG MGB MkII
Owner: Chris Young USASilver Member
Total Score: 9.33
~ For Sale ! ~
1969 MG MGB GT

#17 1969 MG MGB GT
Owner: Brian W CANSilver Member
3 members voted.
Total Score: 9.33
1973 MG MGB GT

#18 1973 MG MGB GT
Owner: Mark L USA
3 members voted.
Total Score: 9.33
1963 MG MGB MkI

#19 1963 MG MGB MkI
Owner: Robert P USA
3 members voted.
Total Score: 8.67
1952 MG TD MkII

#20 1952 MG TD MkII
Owner: JT Luin USA
2 members voted.
Total Score: 9.99

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1972 MG MGB
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